About Charles

For Adults or kids?


1000 W Lamar BlvdArlingtonTX 76012, USA

Dr. Charles Redding

Charles is a funny mixture - one part adult, one part kid. Charles has a Bachelor's degree in accounting with Master's degrees in Marriage and Family Counseling and Christian Education.  He has a Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Counseling with a minor in Childhood Education.  ​He has a background in business and over 20 years in ministry.  Currently, he serves as Pastor for Children and Families in his church.  He worked as an accountant and is comfortable in the academic world, yet he can easily sit down and discuss the awesomeness of a purple crayon with a toddler - and almost anything in between.  God's call on his life is ministering to families.  The term "family" covers a broad spectrum.  His ministry has been almost as broad.  

In his career, he has ministered to thousands of children and their families.  He has led weekly Children's Church, Preschool Mommy & Me Storytime and Vacation Bible School.  He has been Camp Pastor at Children's Camps, has taught children to lead in worship through use of the Arts and has been a guest speaker in Chapel services.

As for adults, he has led several ministries for pregnant teens and their families.  He has been instrumental in leading others to support pro-life pregnancy centers.  He has begun ministries for young mothers, has taught Young Adult classes, has taught parenting classes, has spoken to Senior Adult groups, has been the keynote speaker at Marriage Conferences, has spoken to men's groups and women's groups, has spoken across the United States at International Children's Ministry Conferences, has taught Seminary classes and now, has added author and author visits to this list.  

So is Charles a speaker for Adults or Kids?  The answer is - both!  Click on the "Speaking Events" tab to find out more.